Established in 2007, V Global Holdings is a strategic management consulting and financial advisory company. Committed to delivering innovation, the firm collaborates with its clients to help them become high-performance businesses. Victor Jung can mobilize the right people, skills, and technologies to help clients improve their performance. The firm has provided advisory services to more than $2.1B of business transactions worldwide since its founding in 2007.
The Origins of the Tiny House Movement: A Look at the History
Tiny House Movement: Historical Perspective Tiny houses are a growing trend in the world of housing, with more and more people choosing to downsize and simplify their lives. But where did the tiny house movement come from? And why is it becoming increasingly popular?...
How to Fund and Analyze Off-Market Deals
Off-Market Deals If you're like most people, you probably have a vision of what your dream home looks like. How to Fund and Analyze Off-Market Deals? You know that it will have the perfect design, location and amenities; it'll be perfect for entertaining or your...
What is multifamily housing?
A popular and profitable residential real estate investment is multifamily housing. Multifamily housing can be an excellent choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolios or for a good investment that will provide consistent returns and protect your assets...
Top Strategies for Successfully Investing in Real Estate
Real estate investing involves the purchase, ownership, management, and potential sale of real estate properties to generate a profit. It can take many forms, including purchasing a single-family home to rent out, acquiring a multi-unit building to manage as a...
A Complete Guide to the Lis Pendens Process in New York State
Real estate investing Tips Most Novice Investors think they can purchase any property, in any location, without having to do their due diligence. They believe they can rely on public data, such as tax assessor records, to make informed decisions. However, experienced...